Constance Is A Colorful Combo Of Hollow Knight And Splatoon, And I Dig It

Save for that blissful half-hour of Silksong that I played back in E3 2019, Constance is, so far, the best Hollow Knight-like game I’ve ever played. It’s not exactly the same–Constance takes a page out of Splatoon’s book and features a main character that can wield dangerous purple paint and submerge into puddles in order to slink past enemies or obstacles or ascend up walls–but I couldn’t help but be reminded of my time spend in Hallownest. My time with the game was unfortunately quite short–I played a 20-minute Gamescom demo–but I adored what I saw of its quirky world and enjoyed how much the various designs of the robotic enemies and assortment of paint-based abilities shook up each combat encounter. Just as Hollow Knight’s gameplay emulates the acrobatic dance and frenzied movement…

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